株式会社ヒーローインターナショナル / Hero International, Inc.

株式会社ヒーローインターナショナル / Hero International, Inc.



Trade name Hero International, Inc.
Representative CEO and Company Representative Hideaki Takahashi
Established in May 1992
Incorporated in August 1998
Capital stock 30 million Yen
Address 107-0061, 3F Daiichi Aoyama Building, 3-3-7, Kitaaoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo
TEL:+81-3-4595-0055 / FAX:+81-3-4595-0056
Number of employees 80
Activities Import, wholesale, retail
Detailed activities Signing exclusivity contracts for the Japanese market with European casualwear brands, and developing these brands in department stores or specialist stores.
Running and developping mono-brand as well as multi-brand stores.
Branch offices
  • [ Tokyo showroom ]
    3F Daiichi Aoyama Building, 3-3-7, Kitaaoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo
  • [ Osaka showroom ]
    3F Shintowa Building, 4-6-10, Minamisenba, Chuo-ku, Osaka
Accounting period End of July
Associated banks Mizuho Bank, Mitsui Sumitomo Bank, Senshu Bank, Shokochukin Bank

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May 1992 Hero International is established at Osaka-shi, Chuo-ku, Minamisenba 2-6-7.
March 1994 The company moves to Osaka-shi, Chuo-ku, Minamisenba 2-12-1.
August 1996 Name and legal status change to Hero International, Inc.
July 2000 Exclusivity contract signed with Italian company "Fashion Box Industries" for import and retail rights in Japan. Hero International, Inc. becomes exclusive representative of the "Replay" brand in Japan.
August 2001 Opening of the Tokyo office in Ebisu, Tokyo.
January 2003 Head office moves to Osaka-shi, Chuo-ku, Minamisenba 3-5-28.
March 2003 Import and retail exclusivity contract with "Fashion Box Industries" renewed.
July 2003 Mitsui Products, Inc. takes a 14 % share in Hero International, Inc. in an agreement that increases capital to 30 million Yen.
September 2003 Opening of the Replay Aoyama store in Aoyama, Tokyo.
June 2004 Head office moves to Osaka-shi, Chuo-ku, Kyutaro-cho 2-5-29
September 2004
  • Opening of the Replay Grandio Tachikawa store in Tachikawa, Tokyo.
  • Opening of the Replay Kintetsu Abeno Hoop in Tennoji, Osaka.
April 2005 Hero International gets exclusive import and retail rights in Japan for products of Italian company "Calzolai e Pellettileri di Firenza s.p.a". Hero International, Inc. becomes exclusive representative of the "Bonora" brand in Japan.
July 2005 Head office moves to present address.
August 2005
  • Hero International gets exclusive import and retail rights in Japan for products of Italian company "La Florens s.p.a" for import and retail rights in Japan. Hero International, Inc. becomes exclusive representative of the "Brogden Track" brand in Japan.
  • Hero International gets exclusive import and retail rights in Japan for products of Italian company "Centro Tessile s.r.l" for import and retail rights in Japan. Hero International, Inc. becomes exclusive representative of the "Nickel & Dime" brand in Japan.
  • Hero International gets exclusive import and retail rights in Japan for products of Italian company "Sicem International s.r.l". Hero International, Inc. becomes exclusive representative of the "Last Wild Angel" brand in Japan.
October 2005 Hero International gets exclusive import and retail rights in Japan for products of Italian company "Mariella Burani Fashion Group s.p.a". Hero International, Inc. becomes exclusive representative of the "1000 Miglia" brand in Japan.
November 2005 Hero International gets import and retail rights in Japan for products of Spanish company "Albacete Industrial S.A". Hero International, Inc. becomes representative of the "Sendra" brand in Japan.
December 2005
  • Hero International gets import and retail rights in Japan for products of Swedish company "Nudie Jeans Marketing A.B". Hero International, Inc. becomes representative of the "Nudie Jeans" and "Denimbirds" brand in Japan.
  • Hero International gets exclusive import and retail rights in Japan for products of Italian company "Franklin & Marshall s.r.l". Hero International, Inc. becomes exclusive representative of the "Franklin & Marshall" brand in Japan.
  • Hero International gets exclusive import and retail rights in Japan for products of Italian company "Sinv s.p.a". Hero International, Inc. becomes exclusive representative of the "Dimensione Danza" brand in Japan.
April 2006 Opening of the Goteborg Minamisenba store in Minamisenba, Osaka.
September 2006 Opening of the Goteborg Kintetsu Abeno Hoop store in Tennoji, Osaka.
December 2006 Hero International gets exclusive import and retail rights in Japan for products of Swedish company "Nudie Jeans Marketing AB". Hero International, Inc. becomes exclusive representative of the "Whipping Floyd" brand in Japan.
January 2007
  • Opening of a Dimensione Danza showroom in the same building as the Tokyo branch office (5F).
  • Opening of the Aoyama showroom in Omotesando, Tokyo.
March 2007 The Aoyama Replay store is replaced with the Goteborg Tokyo store.
August 2007 Opening of the first Nudie Jeans store in Japan: the Nudie Jeans in Laforet, Harajuku.
August 2008 Opening of the Goteborg Kobe store in GENIUS GALLERY, DAIMARU KOBE.
October 2008 Opening of the first Dimensione Danza store in Japan: the Dimensione Danza Abeno Hoop store in Tennoji, Osaka.
March 2009 Opening of the Nudie Jeans store in Namba Parks, Osaka.
August 2009 Opening an additional Showroom in the same building as the Osaka head office (1F).
September 2009 Opening of the first Franklin & Marshall store in Japan: the Franklin & Marshall Tokyo store in Aoyama, Tokyo. The Goteborg Tokyo store is replaced with the Franklin & Marshall Tokyo store.
March 2010 Opening the 2nd F&M store in Japan: the Franklin & Marshall Osaka store in Namba, Osaka.
March 2011
  • Opening the Nudie Jeans store in Lumine Shinjuku, Tokyo.
  • Opening the Dimensione Danza store in Namba, Osaka.
August 2011 Renewal opening and expantion of sales area of Nudie Jeans store in Laforet Harajuku.
March 2012
  • Opening the Nudie Jeans store in Nagoya Parco, Aichi.
  • Renewal opening the Dinensinoe Danza store in Namba Parks, Osaka.
November 2012
  • Opening of the Tokyo branch office.(Relocation and integratino of Aoyama showroom and Press room.)
  • Opening the Frankling & Marshall store in Laforet Harajuku, Tokyo.
April 2013 Opening the Nudie Jeans store in Grand Front Osaka, Osaka.

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